Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back at it!

WOW Shucks it has been a long time since I have posted!

Gould team is back at it!
I am going to put the cattle prod under Jeb and Andrew and Alice to post on here. I'm going to try to get Izze and Catherine involved as well.

Not much to say for now. Just a load of homework and preparing for the Superbowl. Since my father has chosen to root for the Steelers, I being the competetive fellow I am chose to root for the Cardinals.

-Out for now


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ok I'm back!

After a breif stint of dead battery i am back to finish my blog.

Unfortunately i can't post pictures because i forgot my firewire cable :(
Well yesterday was a long day, with most the team leaving at 12 from gould and finally arriving here at our condo in stoneham at 8:45 after they got lost in quebec city. Coach K and I left Bethel a little after 3 pm and arrived in foret about 9 pm suprisingly, never getting lost. We stopped in farmington on our way up and I picked up my new boots. Alpina Elite's, a classic pair and a skate pair. They are possibly the most comfortable boot ever!

Well as I said earlier, we are here in Stoneham, Quebec and it is the beginning of a Thanksgiving camp, which will go down in the record books. Why? Because snow, is scarce and the skiers are thick. Basically, our coaches are getting creative for new ways to put us on snow. Whether its rollerskiing at the Military Base biathalon range, or skating at a tubing park, our coaches are deteremined to get us on the white stuff. This afternoon, the team chilled out in the condo while the coaches searched around for our options. This evening, the plan was to walk across the street to the Stoneham ski area and ski at the base of the mountain on the man made snow. The team walked over, all the while i grumbled about how we were going to get yelled at in french. About 20 feet from the snow, a french lady jumped out of a precariously parked car and shouted at us in french. Alice would like to remind me that it was "polite french". We told the lady that we spoke and English and she told us to go away because it was closed. We didn't push it. So we came back to the condo and hung out until the coaches arrived home with grocerys. Yes...more grocerys and its the first day. It seems that a ski team of *ahem* 6 kids goes through a rather lot in one day. We just ate dinner and they began digging in on the icecream as I started to write this....

Anyways that was day one and we will keep you posted!

think of snow!


Here we are in Foret!

Unfortunately I can't blog for long, but i'd just like to say a few things.
Today we went to Foret Montemercy and were refused entry to their 500m. track of blown snow so we found a dirt road with snow and packed it out with the van to get some great rock skiing in. My computer battery is dieing. Blog more later!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to it!!

It was a great day for the Gould Nordic team today! Many of us got on snow! Sunday River once again came thought with a lot of fun for the ski team.

At about 3:30 10 of us including coaches piled into a school van and made a 5 minute drive to the ski center where there was snow made all around the base area. We got there and the wind was blowing the ice crystals from the snow guns into our faces and the freezing to all of our hair, face and clothing. Fun!! We skied around for about an hour until it was to dark to ski any longer, also many of us where cold enough to go anyway but we had a tremendous time none the less.

I think EVERYONE looked brilliant, particularly my room mate who is an alpine skier never seen the light before. Awesome!! I was happy to have him there. It may take some more time to convert him completely.

As exams are finishing up we are all getting really exited for Canada! We will be leaving this Friday afternoon at about 3:30.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday, November 15th 2008

One of the great things about Gould is the large portion of time that we have in the winter dedicated to skiing. Being a college prep highschool, it is a great opportunity to have such a large portion of time dedicated to our sports. Unfortunately, this translates into having more class time in the spring and fall. What a better way to get in the extra classes we need than Saturday class? That is what we had today. Today's dots were 4 and 5 which ment that I had freedot and then Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry.

Unfortunately, I've had to take the last few days off because of a back problem that I've been experiencing. I've already been to the chiropractor twice and I need to go three times next week as well to get x-rays. Who knew? On wednesday during our 2 hr rollerski I realized that my back was hurting and it was hard to double pole. As the workout went on I found myself unable to stride, or double pole kick without pain in my back. Later that night, laying on the floor was about all I could do. The next couple days consisted of sitting in stiff chairs, taking astronomical amounts of muscle relaxant and ibeprofin, and eating as much as I could (due to boredom). Hopefully the pending week will prove healthy and heal me before we head off to Quebec for our thanksgiving training camp.

Over and out

Peter Cowan

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 13,
I am exited to get this blog underway and thank you for checking it out! I am Andrew (Magnus) Nesbitt of Williamstown, Massachusetts attending Gould Academy, as a sophomore, in the Great State of Maine. I have been at the school for almost three months now and have been having a lot of fun with the school and life at school in general.

What would make me come 5 hours to school when I come from a town where the local high school has dominated Massachusetts skiing for the last 4 years? I started thinking about Private school the fall of 5th grade when the state started to cut of a lot of taxes, taxes would go into the high school. The classes at the high school grew from an average of 18 to 27 in one summer, to a dyslexic student this would have been a hell. I left public school in 6th grade and attended a tiny Private day school in Williamstown with out a ski team. I never wanted to go back to a public school again. After graduating the school in June if my 9th grade year I had made a decision to come to Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine. Hear I am!

Today was a very relaxing day for the Nordic team tough it did start early. A few of us got up at 6 o'clock to get in a small circuit work out in the gym. Some bench dips, push ups, dumb bells, lunges, and giant steps, with some cherries on top (medicine balls).

After lunch it was time to go ski. We drove about 5 minutes to a piece of pavement that was flat and in very good condition. This, as well, was not a hard work out. It was a 45 minute skate technique work with some 200 meter speeds in there. After the warm down we had to speed the van back to campus so we could all make it to class on time. I think we all made it :)

Everyone hear is now focusing on the fall term exams next week.

I was exited to see we had a bigger crew than usually comes roller skiing, and we all hope that the snow comes thick and fast. The weather calls for a bit of an ice storm tonight.
Good luck all!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New England Private School Cross Country Runnng Championships

WOW, what a mouthful!

No song
Weather....questionably dry

Well yesterday we had Nep...somethings at Marinopollis our last cross country race of the year against tons 24 other private schools in New England. It was bout a 4.5 or less hour drive south which most of us slept the duration of.
*refer to photo* What a day, whoof! We started out from gould at 7 am, and got to our destination about 11:15 and the mens varsity race started at 1:30. By my standards, the race course was boring, but the excitment to run with 160 other men was overwhelming! I placed 41st for Varsity, pulling 3rd position for our team, while Andrew Nesbitt, placed 7th and Henry 6th in the overall results. Congratulations to them. Personally, my race hurt. I had excruciating pains in my stomach the whole time i raced, which is unfortunate :(. Gould team spirit was unmatched, our sportsmanship was unique, and our results proved that we are moving up as men placed 5th overall out of 24! The ride home was dark and rainy. Just as the folks in the back of the bus who were constantly splashed by the water from the emergency hatch which was stuck open...oops!

Today's workut

More importantly, today i had a 3.5 hour L1 workout on the plan so my father and I took a hike up Speckled Mtn in Evans Notch. The workout was nice, easy and continuous and I'm looking forward to the day off tomorrow to finish lots of homework!

Well it's almost that time flurries begun to fall the skiers that have trained so hard throughout the summer months begin to see the last of their dryland training for the year! Soon we will all be on snow and racing will begin.
Here's a video compliation of a 2007-2008 season video of the
TD Banknorth Presque Isle EC Sprints.

Enjoy! :)xx

Pete Cowan