8:36 am, 40 degrees, partially cloudy. Song: Someday You Will be Loved -Death Cab for Cutie
Apart from having a new President other exciting things are happening today. Today marks the first day that Gould Academy Nordic will potentially be on snow. Today our practice will consist of hiking the local resort Sunday River, to the summit, and skiing on the snow at the top. Sunday River which opened on Halloween jumped the gun so that they could say they were the first resort open in the east. Anyways...we will hike Sunday River with ski's on our backs. Everybody is extremely stoked and I plan to add pictures and descriptions later today of the practice.
And for me? Today i only have 1 class. Dot 7 Biology. Right now, as I write this, I am in Dot 6 free-dot. I probably should be doing homework but i'm too excited about the concept of blogging.
Anyways, so here we are. Gould is growing. We have picked up Andrew Nesbitt, a great skier and first year j1 from Williamstown, Mass. We also have returning Gould veteran's Alice Hottop as a second year j2 and a sophomore and Jeb Clarke as a Second year J2 and a Freshman. This year i'm a second year j1, which puts me as the old man of the team, below our two coaches. Last year as many of you know we picked up Jeremy Nellis as our head coach. Jeremy had been assistant coach for a number of years. We also gained Ben K---------. I can't spell is name but its polish. Easier to just call him K
***SONG: The Only Living Boy in New York- Simon and Garfunkel
Oh, side note, throughout my blogs you may randomly see the name of songs and artists. This is referring to the music that is playing on my ipod which is almost always on Shuffle.
So, i decided to give Izze his own section. So here's to you izze....
Izze is a new enthusiastic member of our team from Lake Placid NY home of the 1980 winter games, and comes to us with experience but limited technique. He's a sophomore this year and first year j1. We all expect Izze to take off this year. On any given day and any given conversation being had with izze you can expect to be talking about skiing. He shows up to practice and he's ready to ski. Even though it's still dryland, i predict that it will be a good season for him. So theres to you izze.
This year we also have various Freshman on the team. There are so many, i don't really know whoes on the race team and whoes not. The comp team is nice and small who i described earlire (Jeb Alice Andrew SCOTT? Peter) We also can probably expect a few other people joining us here and there. So the Comp. team we go to larger competitions such as Canada Cup, Super Tour, and eastern cups. This is the group that's striving towards Junior Olympics. The other team does mostly citizen races and highschool races. We also have a few recreational skiers as well.
So I must sign off now. And go do some homework, but i will post back later with possibly pictures of this afternoon's workout.
SONG: Fix You-Coldplay
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