Second post...
7:24 pm
Weather: Warm, Rainy & Dark
No Song.
Ok, so I promised that i would post back yesterday about the afternoon workout, but I was too busy so we'll have to compensate with a description today..from tomorrow. So anyways...with skis on our packs we loaded up in a van from Gould and headed to Sunday River. At sunday river we parked at the North Peak chairlift and begun our hike. It took us approximately an hour and fifteen minutes or more to summit the mountain to Locke and find the snow. At the top, everyone had waxless skis but me. Lucky lucky me put on some spring klister and kicked around up top.
Now lets just say, it would have been smart to bring pants. The temperature at the top of the mountain was fairly warm but the fact that we hadn't been on snow yet that year left us with a couple scrapes and bruises from snow burn. The descent of the mountain was hell. Being on old rock skis. (nordic of course) we had less control than we'd like in the first place and being that the mountain was steep as all hell, and had moguls just made the situation even better. Let's just say about every turn, we found ourselves on our butts. Head coach Jeremy Nellis took the mogul field like a champ...not so good for Coach Ben K.
TODAY: This morning the comp. team took a different route and we did a strength workout in the weightroom. Now i'm lieing when i say a different route because we have strength workouts every thursday morning at 6 am for about an hour and 15 minutes. Lets just say lots of dips, and physio and medecine balls are involved. Gettin' strong fo sho. Mr. K whips us until exhaustion most days and we earn the big breakfasts we eat. it's a shame we are in the weightroom so early as first class isn't until 9:40 AM.
-I can feel bruises from yesterday where i fell and I have a big spot of snow burn on my hip. I've been lucky enough to not havy any roller ski crashes as my team mates have this year which kept me in one peice. A little pain never did anyone harm did it?
All for today. Look for Andrew Nesbitt soon, i'm going to have him start posting in here also.
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